
Greetings to all parents,🌈 (suphan-buri)

ðŸ”ĨToday’s activity is about learning the difference between Living and Non Living things. Essentially, living things grow, move, eat and reproduce whereas Non living things are the exact opposite. They cannot grow, move, eat and reproduce.
We also played a girls vs. boys game regarding the lesson wherein the students had so much fun. At the end of the lesson, the students were also able to give examples of each kind.
“Smell, run, and jump! 👃🍎
The students had so much fun using their sense of smell to guess the fruit, then racing to grab the correct picture. A great way to learn about the 5 senses!”
Here’s the atmosphere of K.3 classes. We invite parents to browse the pictures. ðŸ“ļ
Kindergarten 3
